Everyone Can't Be Right

Some think that it does not matter what a man believes so long as he is sincere. The average person thinks that all religions are right. “You go to your church and I’ll go to mine, you believe what you think is right and I’ll believe what I think is right, and we’ll meet in heaven someday and rejoice in our respective saviors.”

No! My friends, we cannot all be right when we contradict one another so. It is imperative that we search the Scriptures and see what God says. A doctrine is not true because I believe it or because you believe it, but it is true only if God says it!

I do not ask whether you believe what I preach; perhaps you do not. But I ask you to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES and determine whether these things be so. I am not afraid to submit my belief in God’s immutable sovereignty, man’s total fall and ruin, God’s elective grace, Christ’s effectual atonement, the Spirit’s invincible call, and the perseverance of the sheep to THE WORD OF GOD!

-Gospel report by preacher Henry T. Mahan


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