We know that Christ did not die for all men. Christ died for the elect the Father chose unto salvation [JOHN 6:37-39 and 17:24]. Christ died for His sheep not goats [JOHN 10:11-15]. Then how do I know if Christ died for me? Christ died for you if you fit the description of the people for whom He died. Christ died for the ungodly [ROMANS 5:6]. Christ died for sinners [ROMANS 5:8]. If you are an ungodly sinner, Christ died for you. Come to Him as all of your salvation. If you see some goodness in yourself or something that would make God save you, I pray God would give you an accurate view of yourself because Christ “came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” [LUKE 5:32].

The Gospel is not an offer from God. He does not offer His mercy and grace so that it is up to your acceptance or rejection of what is offered; as to whether or not you will have it. He does not offer anyone the forgiveness of sins. He does not offer salvation, and then wait and see if we accept His offer. If any aspect of salvation is an offer that means the determining factor of salvation lies in man’s decision to accept or reject the offer. That is salvation by works in grace clothing. The Gospel is a gracious command. When He says, “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden,” that is an imperative. “If any man thirst let him come to Me and drink,” that is an imperative. When we read, “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely,” that is a gracious command.

I need not wonder if I am offered salvation or invited to believe. Being weary and heavy laden, I am commanded to come to Him for rest. Thirsting, I am commanded to come to Him and drink. Having nothing to pay, I am commanded to take the water of life freely. God does not offer. He commands. And the ability to obey the command comes with the commandment. When He commanded the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand, the man stretched forth his withered hand. When He says to a man….Believe”…..they believe!

-Gospel report by preacher Todd Nibert


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