"Deal bountifully with Thy servant,
that I may live, and keep Thy word."
-PSALM 119:17 [KJV]

Can the Lord deal any way but bountifully with His servants? Why has He made you His servants? Why did He strike the chains of former servitude off your hands? Why did He bring you out of the service of sin, the world, Satan, and self? Why did He ever make Himself precious to your heart, win your affections, and enable you to give yourselves wholly unto Him? That He might cast you off? that He might mock your calamity? that He might trample you one day into hell? that He might leave you to yourself, that He might suffer Satan to overcome you, permit your lusts to destroy you; or allow your sins to be tied one day, like a mill-stone, round your neck to sink you into hell?

Oh, can our heart ever indulge thoughts so derogatory to sovereign grace? Was it not because the Lord had bounty in His heart towards you, that He first turned your heart towards Himself? Was it not because the Lord had purposes of love towards you, that He first led your feet into His paths? Was it not because God first loved you, that He gave His Son to die for you? Now if He has taught you, led you, upheld you, kept you, all this time, is it to cast you off now—to let you sink at last? He cannot do so, will not do so. Those whom He loves, He loves to the end; the good work which He has begun, He will accomplish, and bring to final perfection; and therefore all the Lord's acts are acts of bounty.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802–1869 A.D.)


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