Comfort in Christ Jesus and His Glorious Everlasting Gospel

God has revealed unto the true believer the true nature of sin and his wound grows deeper with the passing of time, as God gives him more light. Consequently, his need, his hungering and thirsting for Christ also increases with time. The deeper his wound, the deeper his repentance, and the more he loves to hear of the all-sufficient Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Those who profess faith in Christ and do not, with the passing of time, have a deeper sense of their sinfulness, and thus live in a deeper state of repentance, have never likely experienced anything but a superficial religious scratch, not Holy Spirit conviction and repentance. This condition is nearly always manifest in their lack of an increasing hunger and thirst for Christ, and the indifferent manner in which they hear that precious gospel of God’s glory and grace. They would just as soon, or would rather hear other things than the things of Christ.

Contrariwise, the true believer can never hear too much of that glorious message of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” The true believer is described in Philippians 3:1-14. May we, you and I, be found in that blessed number.

Mr. Spurgeon once said, “After some years of experience, the Christian comes to know, better than he did at first, how much the gospel suits him. He finds that its simplicity suits his bewilderment; its grace suits his sinfulness; its power is suitable to his weakness; its comfort is suitable to his despondence; and the more he grows, the more he loves the gospel of the grace of God.”

-Gospel report by preacher Maurice Montgomery


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