
Showing posts from July, 2019

The LORD be magnified

“ Christianity is the religion of a Book. Christianity is based upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. The starting point of all doctrinal discussion must be the Bible. Upon the foundation of the Divine inspiration of the Bible stands or falls the entire edifice of Christian truth. “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” [ P SALM 11:3 ] . Surrender verbal inspiration and you are left like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea, at the mercy of every wind that blows. Deny that the Bible is, without qualification, the very Word of God, and you are left without any ultimate standard of measurement and without any supreme authority. It is useless to discuss any doctrine taught by the Bible until you are prepared to acknowledge, unreservedly, that the Bible is the final court of appeal. Grant that the Bible is a Divine revelation and communication of God’s own mind and will to men, and you have a fixed starting point from which advance can ...
"Let T hy work appear unto T hy servants, and T hy glory unto their children." -P SALM 90:16 [KJV] "Let T hy work appear unto T hy servants." Creature works we here read nothing of. They had been long ago cut to the very ground. And what had been their deathblow? What had driven the dagger into their very heart? "Days of affliction, and years of evil." These had been their destruction; creature righteousness they had stabbed to the very heart, and let out the life-blood of human merit. There is no petition, then, "Let our works appear!" No. These were buried in the grave of corruption; these were swallowed up and lost in "days of affliction, and years of evil." But, "Let T hy work," the finished work of the Son of God; the obedience of Jesus to the law; the atoning blood which He shed upon Calvary's tree; the work which He undertook, went through, and completed,— "Oh," breathes forth the man ...

“BEWARE OF MEN” [Matthew 10:17]

This is the caution which the Son of God gave to His disciples when He ministered among them on earth, and the Holy Ghost caused it to be penned, that the true Church of God might use it as a watchword to the end of time; and never since this caution dropped from the lips of Jesus, has it been more needed than now; for men seem to vie with the prince of darkness who shall most effectually oppose the kingdom of Christ and the spiritual interests of His blood-bought family. “ Beware of men,” not merely of profane men, open infidels. Little caution is necessary respecting them, because “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves” [ I SAIAH 3:9 ] . But the men who assume the profession of Christianity, without possessing its vital principle, are the men of whom the Savior’s watchword is, “Beware!” The men who put on “a form of godliness, bu...

A Cry Which HE is Sure to Hear

"Then they cried unto the L ORD in their trouble, and H e delivered them out of their distresses ." -P SALM 107:6 [KJV]   Oh what a mercy it is that there is a God to go to! a God who hears and answers prayer! And what a blessing it is to be able to unbosom before Him the burdened spirit! Observe the words: "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble." If you have trouble it is a sufficient warrant for you to go to God with it. Do not trouble yourself with the question, whether you are elect or non-elect. God does not put it in that shape, and you need not. The answer will best shew on which side of the line you stand. Does He not say: " Call upon M e in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify M e? " If you have a day of trouble, you have here a sufficient warrant to call upon God. Write not, then, bitter things against yourself. If you are enabled to sigh and cry unto the Lord there is life in your soul. God h...

The Necessity of The Spirit's Work

Believing the gospel is no small thing. The message of salvation altogether by grace dependent upon the merits and work of the Son of God is offensive to the natural man because it is a double declaration: fallen man is unable to save himself and consequently , “ S alvation is of the LORD.” It proclaims that redemption has been obtained, reconciliation has been accomplished, sins have been put away and righteousness has been brought in for all of God’s elect by the obedience unto death of the resurrected, exalted Christ. When God the Holy Spirit comes to a spiritually dead sinner, He finds in that poor, indigent rebel nothing with which to work. The sinner’s mind is enmity against God, his heart is as adamant stone toward the truth and his will is set in opposition against the divine will. The Spirit must quicken the dead, break down the rebellion, convince of sin, give a new heart, grant repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and seal upon the he...

LORD JESUS - our King of Glory!

“ If any present in this assembly have never obeyed the King, may they come to trust in Him today for He is a tender Savior and is willing to receive the biggest and blackest sinner who will come to Him. Whosoever trusts in Him will never find Him to fail for He will save to the uttermost them that come to God by Him. May He bring you to His feet and reign over you in love.”    - Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan, c. 1956 A.D.

"For the oppression of the poor..."

"The sighing of the needy." -P SALM 12:5 [KJV] The distinguishing mark and character of a needy soul is to be full of needs. Day after day he wants divine realities to be revealed to his soul, to hear the sweet voice of mercy speaking into his heart, as from the lips of God Himself, that he is an accepted child, that he may bathe, as it were, in sweet manifestations of the love and mercy of God. In the supply of want he believes the marrow of all true religion and vital godliness to consist. So that he cannot take up with his present state of need for religion. If he is in doubts and fears, or is passing through heavy temptations, and is writing bitter things against himself, he cannot say "this is religion;" but what he wants is something different from what he feels, even the blessed testimonies and manifestations that he is one of the Lord's own dear family; and I am very well assured from soul experience, that nothing but the application ...


We know that Christ did not die for all men. Christ died for the elect the Father chose unto salvation [ JOHN 6:37-39 and 17:24 ]. Christ died for His sheep not goats [ JOHN 10:11-15 ]. Then how do I know if Christ died for me? Christ died for you if you fit the description of the people for whom He died. Christ died for the ungodly [ ROMANS 5:6 ]. Christ died for sinners [ ROMANS 5:8 ]. If you are an ungodly sinner, Christ died for you. Come to Him as all of your salvation. If you see some goodness in yourself or something that would make God save you, I pray God would give you an accurate view of yourself because Christ “came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” [ LUKE 5:32 ]. The Gospel is not an offer from God. He does not offer His mercy and grace so that it is up to your acceptance or rejection of what is offered; as to whether or not you will have it. He does not offer anyone the forgiveness of sins. He does not offer salvation, and ...

Help us O LORD! Jeremiah 17:14

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love   is of God; and every one that loveth is born of  God, and knoweth God." - I JOHN 4:7 [KJV]   "Love is of God." I can have no satisfaction, real satisfaction, that I am a partaker of the Spirit and grace of Christ except I feel some measure of the love of God shed abroad in my heart. I may have hopes, expectations, and evidences, fainter or brighter; but I have no sure, clear evidence in my own soul that I have the Spirit and grace of Christ there, except I am blessed with the love of God; for until love comes, there is fear which hath torment. And whilst we have fear which hath torment, there is no being made perfect in love. You have no clear assurance in your own breast that God has loved you with an everlasting love; nor have you any bright testimony that the Spirit of God makes your body his temple until this love comes into your soul. But when the crowning blessing comes of the lov...

Glory to God Almighty!

Moses besought the LORD with this desire… “Show me Thy glory” (E XODUS 33:18) . Without a doubt, Moses asked this as he was moved by the Holy Spirit, not only for Moses’ good, but for ours too. But that which especially enflames the heart of every regenerated sinner, as he considers this passage, is the glorious answer from the mouth and heart of Jehovah…that answer which reveals Christ to be God’s glory and goodness in the salvation of His people: “ I will make all My goodness pass before thee,” I will show Myself in Christ to be the Fountain of inexhaustible compassion, “and will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee,” making known that I AM, the LORD; “and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy” (EXODUS 33:19). It is the glory of the LORD to sovereignly save whomsoever He will, and therein, the vessels of His mercy truly rejoice . -Gospel report by preacher Marvin Stalnaker


"But mine eyes are unto T hee, O G OD the Lord: in T hee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute." -P SALM 141:8 [KJV] The very cry is a pledge that the Lord will not leave the soul destitute. Strange though it be to us; it is the light that shews darkness; it is life that makes us feel deadness; nay, more, it is fertility and fruitfulness that make us feel barrenness; it is riches that make us feel poverty; it is God's teaching and presence that make us feel destitution. This very mourning over our barrenness; this very feeling of our inability to do good, is a proof of the life of God in the soul, an evidence of the work of grace in the heart. "Leave not my soul destitute." This is something genuine; this is heart-work; these are the footsteps of the flock; these are the leadings and teachings of God the Spirit in the hearts of the redeemed. These things are saving; these things will lead the soul to eternal glor...

In Everything Give Thanks

Someone said, “Justice is getting what we deserve, mercy is NOT getting what we do deserve, and grace is receiving what we do not deserve.” Oh, how abundant and abounding is the mercy and grace of God to us! How is it that we do not live in a constant attitude of praise and thanksgiving ( I THESSALONIANS 5:16-17 )? I feel as deeply convicted before God of the sin of ingratitude and murmuring and for being discontented as I do of any other sin. To find fault with the good providence of God is COVETOUSNESS, which is idolatry ( COLOSSIANS 3:5 ). There’s no need for me to list our spiritual, material, and physical blessings. Anyone with an understanding of God’s holiness and man’s sin can rejoice that he is not now in eternal darkness. Anyone with eyes to see the dreadful effects of Adam’s fall can rejoice that all of these afflictions are not visited upon him. Anyone who is aware of the poverty and want which much of the world’s population experiences ought to give tha...

"And It Came To Pass..."

The phrase “And it came to pass” as far as I can find, is one of the most used phrases in all the Bible. Over 1680 times we find these words written on the pages of Holy Scripture. Every time we hear or read the words, “And it came to pass” may we be reminded that God has, is, and will always cause all things to come to pass by His own sovereign purpose, providence, and pre-destinating power, and AFTER THE COUNSEL OF H IS OWN WILL (E PHESIANS 1:11) ! God can cause “All things to work together for good to them that love God, to them who are THE CALLED according to H IS PURPOSE ” simply because He controls all things (R OMANS 8:28) . David wrote, “But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased” (P SALM 115:3) . The next time you read “And it came to pass” in the Scriptures, or the next time something “Comes to pass” in your life, remember WHY it came to pass and never forget WHO caused it to come to pass. -Gospel report by pre...

Stablished in The Faith

"And so were the churches established in THE FAITH , and increased in number daily." -A CTS 16:5 [KJV] Oh what an inestimable mercy it is for a man to know the truth for himself by divine teaching and divine testimony; to have it applied to his heart by a gracious influence and a heavenly power, so as to know for himself what salvation is, whence it comes, and above all to enjoy a sweet persuasion that this salvation has reached his heart! He will then know where to go in the hour of trouble, to Whom to resort when sorrow and affliction come into his house, or illness or infirmity shake his tabernacle. He will not be a stranger to the throne of grace, nor to the sweetness of the covenant ordered in all things and sure. But there will be given him from above, out of the fulness of Christ, such grace and strength as will support him in the trying hour. It is by these gracious dealings upon his soul, that a believer becomes "stablished in the faith....


“ Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed.” - ROMANS 4:16 [KJV] Most everyone would agree that there is IMMENSE NEED OF SALVATION in the soul of all people. Just look around, there are churches and different denominations of religion everywhere. Surely, people are saying there is a necessity of salvation. The scriptures certainly make it plain that there is a need of salvation. For we read, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” ( ROMANS 3:23 ). The difference among men is, HOW IS SALVATION RECEIVED? Some say it is received by works, efforts and ceremony or being a member of a certain church. However, the scriptures plainly teach that salvation ( the Lord Jesus Christ ) is received by faith, not by works. It was said of Abraham, “He staggered not at THE PROMISE OF GOD through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that, what H e had promise...


Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands ( 26-28 JUL19) Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace - God's unmerited favor - from their sins and from Hell: “ And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the LORD: let Him do what seemeth Him good .” - I SAMUEL 3:18 [KJV] How great is our God whose hand paints every flower and shapes every leaf; who forms every bud on every tree and every infant in the womb; who feeds each crawling worm with a parent’s care and every insect that sleeps in the bosom of a flower; who opens the golden gates of day and draws the dusky curtains of the night; who measures every drop of rain, the whirling flakes of snow and the sands of man’s earthly life; who determines alike the fall of the sparrow and the fate of a kingdom; who so overrul...

Walking before God in the Light of His Countenance

"Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ." -P HILIPPIANS 1:27 [KJV] What is this conversation? The word means the whole of your walk before God and before man. It is a very comprehensive term in the original, meaning, literally, "Conduct yourselves as citizens." It therefore includes the whole of our spiritual fellowship and daily intercourse with God and man. It thus views us as citizens of no mean city; as citizens, I may indeed say, of a heavenly city, the new Jerusalem; and it bids us walk and speak, live and act, as becometh citizens of a heavenly country. This, then, is the meaning of the word "conversation" in our text, and by it we are called to walk with God as becometh the gospel. He has reconciled us to Himself by the blood of His dear Son; and when we receive the atonement, or reconciliation, as the word means, then we can walk with God in peace, equity, and amity, for sin, which made the breach, is rem...

Comfort in Christ Jesus and His Glorious Everlasting Gospel

God has revealed unto the true believer the true nature of sin and his wound grows deeper with the passing of time, as God gives him more light. Consequently, his need, his hungering and thirsting for Christ also increases with time. The deeper his wound, the deeper his repentance, and the more he loves to hear of the all-sufficient Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who profess faith in Christ and do not, with the passing of time, have a deeper sense of their sinfulness, and thus live in a deeper state of repentance, have never likely experienced anything but a superficial religious scratch, not Holy Spirit conviction and repentance. This condition is nearly always manifest in their lack of an increasing hunger and thirst for Christ, and the indifferent manner in which they hear that precious gospel of God’s glory and grace. They would just as soon, or would rather hear other things than the things of Christ. Contrariwise, the true believer can never hear too ...

Great Gospel Sermon

Greetings brethren-in-Christ, Please find enclosed a Gospel Sermon of great interest as it is Christ-honoring, humbling, encouraging and TIMELY. Please feel free to pass along this message to loved ones, co-workers and neighbors. Title, "Still" (34 minutes) Ref: Revelation 22:11 Gospel preacher Tim James on SUN/21JUL19 A.D. Hope and pray Abba that you folks are well. In the midst of the storms be greatly encouraged in Christ Jesus our soon-coming KING OF GLORY. Let’s continue to pray our Father for one another. The LORD JESUS be magnified! Direct link to sermon:

Ten Short Questions...

    The following questions are for believers who doubt their beliefs and believe their doubts. They worry about whether or not they are saved. But here´s the truth, we all, at times, doubt our salvation. I identify with one old-time preacher who said “When I look at myself, I think it impossible that I may be saved. But when I look at Jesus, I know it´s impossible that I could be lost.” It´s one thing to doubt our salvation, but quite another to doubt our Saviour.   As we grow in grace and the knowledge of God (2 Peter 3:18), at times the Holy Spirit demolishes our pride and self-righteousness by withdrawing His sensible presence from us. In these seasons, we get an opportunity to see how hard our hearts remain against God. We get shocked to see how much of the rebel still loiters within us. The good news is, however, the ensuing feelings of self-doubt and despair combine to cause us to realise that the ultimate foundation of our safety and security is the Lord ...

Preach to the Whole Man

There is a danger of talking more about salvation than about the Saviour. There is a danger of preaching redemption and neglecting to preach the Redeemer. It could be that we know much about justification and little about Jesus Christ, His person and His work. One thing is certain, a man will arrive at right doctrine through Christ, but it is also possible for him to have orthodox doctrine and yet not know Christ. The gospel is not a collection of dry doctrines; it is the revelation of a living, merciful, and ever-present Lord. Men and women are not going to come to hear you preach “the doctrines of grace.” But if needy sinners get wind of the fact that you are preaching “the grace of Christ,” they will give you a hearing. When you only preach to my head in facts so numerous and terms so tedious, you weary me, and forget that I am a human with emotions and a hungry HEART! I laugh, I cry, I love, I feel, I sorrow, I doubt, I fear, and I need a minister with whom I can i...