The Salvation of God's people

"IN HIS DEATH for the sins of His people, Jesus Christ brought forth an everlasting righteousness enabling God to be both a just God and a Savior, a righteous Judge as well as a merciful, loving Father. His righteousness is given by God to His people in the same way that their sins were made to be His – by imputation (II CORINTHIANS 5:21).

This is a legal accounting of the merits of Christ’s righteousness to the elect and their sins to Christ. All the agony and suffering unto death Jesus Christ experienced on the cross was due to the sins of His people imputed to Him. All blessings of salvation, spiritual life, and final glory God’s elect gain and experience are due to the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to them.

The sins of His people imputed to Him and the suffering He experienced were all necessary for the salvation of His people. The righteousness of Christ imputed to His people and the blessings of spiritual life in the new birth and glory in heaven are all necessary for the salvation of His people.”

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA
Audio Gospel Sermons and Contact Information here:


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