Our Surety

"By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament" -HEBREWS 7:22 [KJV]

When one undertakes to be surety for another, then the debt is reckoned unto him, and he accepts it. Thus our dear Savior, our blessed Surety stood up for us, engaged in our behalf. Our debts, all our iniquities were imputed to Him and laid upon Him, charged upon His person. He fully satisfied, perfectly atoned justice for them.
By the one sacrifice of Himself He hath taken them all away, made an end of sin, so that justice itself proclaims its own faithfulness to forgive sin, I JOHN 1:9. Grace reigns, mercy triumphs, sinners are pardoned, believers rejoice. Oh believer, thou art blessed of thy God Who is just, therefore doth not, cannot, impute sin to thee. True, thou hast committed sins innumerable; but it as true, they were all laid upon Jesus. True, thou dost commit sin, it is equally true, Christ hath bore them.
Thou wilt commit sin, it is perfectly true thy Savior hath atoned for them all. Thou hast nothing to plead but guilty in thyself, but perfectly righteous in Christ. Every charge the enemy brings from the righteous law against thee is just: own it; but ever plead in thine own conscience, and before the throne, Jesus hath satisfied for all; there is now no condemnation. Oh believer, this is a most precious truth of God.

Gospel report by preacher William Mason


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