Our Lord's Resurrection

How can we be sure that the ransom demanded by justice for the release of the Lord’s captive people has been rendered? What evidence is there that sin has been put away and everlasting righteousness has been brought in? What truth certifies that Christ crushed Satan’s head at the cross? What proof is there that the holy law of God has been honored, our transgressions have been punished and our souls are safe forevermore?

How do we know that those in whose stead He died are reconciled to God and freely justified? What guarantee do we have that the work of redemption is finished and that all who believe Him are freed from all fear of condemnation? As we face the reality of physical death, what reason does our Lord give to enliven hope that these bodies will someday put off mortality and live again? The resurrection of our Savior is the answer to all these questions.

No wonder, then, that this truth is set forth frequently in the Word of God and verified by many witnesses. Paul said that the risen Christ was seen by over five hundred people at one time (I CORINTHIANS 15:6). His resurrection confirmed His claim of being the Son of God and tells us that His blood shed unto death has cleansed us from all sin. It announces that the Surety has paid our sin debt, ensures that we will be regenerated by the same power that raised Him from the dead and that our bodies will someday be fashioned like unto His glorious body.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd


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