Escaping The Storm of God's Anger

WE ARE TO VENTURE THE WHOLE SALVATION of our souls on Christ and on Christ only. We are to cast loose completely and entirely from all other hopes and trusts. We are not to rest partly on Christ and partly on doing all we can. In the matter of our justification, Christ is to be all. This is the doctrine of the Bible.

Heaven is before us, and Christ is the only door into it; hell is beneath us, and Christ alone is able to deliver from it; the law is against us, and Christ alone is able to redeem us; sin weighing us down, and Christ alone is able to put it away.

HERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED” (ACTS 4:12). There is no other person commissioned, sealed, and appointed by God the Father to be the Saviour of sinners excepting (but) Christ. The keys of life and death are committed to His hand, and all who would be saved must go to Him.

There was but one place of safety in the day when the flood came upon the earth; that place was Noah's ark. So also, there is but one hiding-place for the sinner who would escape the storm of God's anger; he must venture his soul on Christ.

There is but one name that will avail us when we stand at the gate of heaven; we must name the name of Jesus Christ as our only hope, or be cast away.



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