IT MATTERS WHAT A MAN BELIEVES ABOUT CHRIST: Who He is, what He has done, and where He is now is absolutely necessary to a man's hope. If Christ is not God, then He is less than God: anything less than God is not holy. Anything that is not holy, God is not pleased with, and anything that God is not pleased with is under His condemnation. If Christ has not satisfied completely my case before God Almighty (placing me in perfect standing with a God Who is so holy that He would turn His back on His very Son because my guilt was laid to His account), then I am helplessly lost.
If He is not at this very moment interceding for me, pleading His own accomplishment in my behalf, then I have no peace with God. If the Son of Man has made you free, you are free - free from the wrath of divine justice, free from the law of God that did reveal my sinful state, and free from the strivings of bondage by yokes placed on me that no one has ever been able to bear. Free, oh the glorious sound of One Who has freed me, washed me, clothed me, feeds me, and keeps me because He has always loved me. That is the God I serve, and His love constrains me and gives me a longing to do more than I am willing or capable of doing and all for His glory.

-Gospel report by preacher Marvin Stalnaker
Katy Baptist church of Fairmont, West Virginia USA
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