Assurance in Christ

Brethren, true godly assurance of salvation comes NOT by looking within ourselves to see if we have done enough or have grown enough, nor even to determine if we are sincere enough.

True godly assurance of salvation comes by God-given faith that causes us to look only to Christ crucified and risen from the dead and to Christ as our Great High Priest Who ever lives to make intercession for us and Who keeps us by His grace and power.

ConsiderIn Christ, and by God-given faith in Him, we are assured in God’s Word that no sin can be charged to us, and we are righteous in God’s sight based on Christ’s righteousness imputed to us (ROMANS 4:6-8; 8:33-34).

In Christ, and by God-given faith in Him, we are assured that we cannot be condemned by the law or separated from God’s love in Christ (ROMANS 8:1,35-39).

In Christ, and by God-given faith in Him, we are assured that Satan’s and our enemy’s accusations against us are futile because THEY ARE TURNED BACK BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST and the word of our testimony which is our salvation secured in and by Christ (REVELATION 12:11).

In Christ, and by God-given faith in Him, we are assured that not even the remaining presence, influence, and contamination of our sinful flesh can bring us to forsake Christ and drag us down into condemnation (ROMANS 7:24-25).

In Christ, and by God-given faith in Him, we are assured that the world cannot defeat us or bring us to condemnation because CHRIST HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD (JOHN 16:33; ISAIAH 54:17).

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker
Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA
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