He led them forth by the right way.”
107:7a [KJV]
only is Christ THE Way, but here He is known as the “right way.”
Everything and in every situation, Christ has led us forth by the
right/correct/straight way. Nothing He has ever done for us and
towards us can be in the least degree said to be wrong! Dark skies,
cloudy days, harsh seasons of soul...everything our blessed and
loving Lord does is always and eternally right.
let us forget this, my weary and tried friend. Come what may, He is
doing this for our best interest and for His ultimate glory; and as
His children, this is what we desire most, is it not? Tell me a
thousand woes within the believers’ life and at every turn and at
every junction it MUST be said: And
He led us forth by the right way!
report by preacher Drew Dietz