That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.” -LUKE 1:74-75 [KJV]

The grand point of all true religion is to be brought by the blessed Spirit into that happy spot where we can serve the living God free from that guilt, bondage, darkness, doubt, and fear which often possess our mind, and are the worst enemies of our soul’s peace. But though they are such enemies to all true peace and happiness, yet are they mercifully overruled for our spiritual good, to convince us from whence our help must come, to strip us thoroughly of all creature help and hope, and bring us to the spot where the Lord meets the soul in mercy, sheds abroad His love, and brings near a precious Christ.

We have no reason to thank bondage, guilt and the law, still less sin and Satan, for any work they have done which God has overruled for our good. And yet without some experience of these dead works and the bondage and guilt produced by them, we could not know what it was to have our conscience purged by the blood of sprinkling to serve the living God. There are reasons, therefore, and wise reasons on the part of God, why His children should be thus vexed and plagued.

It is true it is not the revealed will of God that His children should spend so many of their days in darkness, doubt and fear. He has given us a glorious gospel; He has set before us in Jesus everything for our comfort and relief; He has promised to send His Holy Spirit to testify of Christ, and has filled His word with promises and invitations suited to every case. And yet His secret will and purpose are that we should be thus exercised and tried, and walk in the path of darkness and desolation that we might value more the precious liberty of the gospel, know more of what Christ is, and what He has done to save us from the depths of the fall, be more deeply indebted to the riches of free and sovereign grace, and come more personally into the blessedness of gospel mercies as made known to our soul by a divine power.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802–1869 A.D.)


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