The notion of the world is that salvation in Christ is an emotional dream; a lot of sentiment and feeling. But there is nothing dreamy about it. It is not fiction but fact upon fact. The Lord Jesus does not gloss over nor conceal the condition of those whom He came to save. He finds us guilty, condemned in the worst sense; and as our Substitute, He endures the penalty for our sins and dies in our stead. He takes us as we are and deals with us as we are.

The Lord Jesus meets the law of God as it is; holy, unchangeable, and exact. He does not alter the law nor brand it as being too stern, too exacting, nor too holy. He is made under the law as it is and, in the flesh, He honored and obeyed the law in every jot and tittle.

Christ deals with us as we are, He deals with us as the law is, and He deals with us as God is; on the principles of pure righteousness and justice. If there is anything questionable or uncertain in the work that Christ has done to redeem us (either in honoring the law or satisfying God’s justice), it may fail us at last. But our foundation is SURE.

Christ is our wisdom, our righteousness, our sanctification, and our redemption. He has taken away all sham, sentiment, and idle claims. We are absolutely complete in Him. A God who could save without righteousness may condemn without reason. A God who could waive His justice may waive His mercy.

-Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan


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