“Ye that make mention of
the LORD, keep not silence”
-ISAIAH 62:6 [KJV]

How can the redeemed of the Lord keep silent about the Lord Jesus?

How can we keep silent about Him when His name is so beautiful?

How can we keep silent about Him when His work of redemption is so glorious?

How can we keep silent about Him when His person is so perfect?

As followers of Christ we have embraced five words concerning Him. They are, “My King and my God” (PSALM 5:2). How can we, therefore, keep silent about Him?

How can we be silent about the everlasting truths of the Gospel? How can we, for example, be silent that God was manifest in the flesh? (I TIMOTHY 3:16).

How can we be silent when we think of how He suffered for us?

“Oh, think of Jesus, as He stands before Pilate
Condemned as a villain, when from sin He was clean
Though they wrongly accused Him, and cruelly used Him
Yet He spoke not a word, though the tears filled His gaze
Think how they mocked Him, they scoffed Him and slapped Him
Put a reed in His hand and with a robe they wrapped Him
Then a crown of thorns they twined from long briars
And stuck in His brow till the blood trickled down.”
How can we keep silent about this?

How can we be silent when we read, "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US" (ROMANS 5:8).

In the Gospel, God did not come to meet us half-way. He came all the way. If He had not come all the way, we should never have been saved. As we consider this, how can we then keep silent about this?

“Oh, think of Jesus as He goes to Mount Calvary
Jeered by the crowd, both women and men
Their wicked hands taken Him, and on the cross laid Him
With hammer and nails cruel work they began
Then they hung Him up between earth and heaven
God’s spotless Lamb there for me and for you
Amid their mocking and sayings, and terrible doings
He cried, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

How can we keep silent about this?

He came here because He loved us. In fact, there never was a time when Christ´s love for us began. His people have always been loved. How can we keep silent about this?

When we pause and meditate about these truths may we be overwhelmed with gratitude. Just think of it, we didn´t care about the Lord Jesus but He cared for us. When we were out of control, and far away, He cared for us and brought us to Himself. How can we be silent about this?

Some years ago, in England, there was a Christian barber who could not keep silent about Jesus. He felt it his duty to witness to his customers, but he wasn't always careful. One day he lathered a man for a shave, picked up the razor, and asked, "Sir, are you prepared to meet your God?" The poor fellow fled with the lather still on his face. That dear barber, even though a bit careless about his approach, would not keep silent about Jesus. I wish there were more like him. Unfortunately, it has been observed that there are two groups of people who really hate personal evangelism;

  1. Non-Christians and
  2. Most Christians.

May the Lord raise up an army of Gospel Champions who will not keep silent about Him.

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

-Gospel report ‘The Wednesday Word’ by preacher D. G. Miles Mckee

Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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