For Whom Did Christ Die?

"This is My blood of the new

testament, which is shed for 

many for the remission of

sins"  -MATTHEW 26:28 [KJV]

If you believe, as many professors do today, that the Lord Jesus actually laid down His life to save every single person in the world, then you limit the death of Christ in its power to save. Why? Because, not all are delivered from guilt, and therefore it would make Christ’s death less than effectual. A ransom that does not redeem is no ransom at all. A propitiation that doesn’t actually satisfy, is no propitiation at all.

The scriptures teach a ransom that is unlimited in its power to save, but limited in its design as to those God intended to save by it. In other words, His blood was shed 'for many for the remission of sins.' Christ died for MANY, a number that no man can number [REVELATION 7:9]. Yet, this many is limited to AS MANY as the Lord has ordained to believe [ACTS 13:48] and AS MANY as the Lord God shall call [ACTS 2:39]

In Romans 5:15 they are called 'THE MANY,' with a definite article in the original. THE MANY, for whom He shed His blood, enjoy the blessing of the remission of their sin, because He shed His blood FOR them. Christ’s death is not just the ground of the sinner’s salvation, it is ALL their salvation!



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