CHRIST JESUS THE LORD - Risen from the dead!

“He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” -MATTHEW 28:6 [KJV]

What does it mean for sinners like us to know that the Lord is risen? First of all it means, He died! The sinless One died! Why did He die? How could He die? He died because the sin of His people was pressed into Him, and He was judged before the throne of God for the sin that He carried. The only way that the spotless, holy Lamb of God could die was by bearing the sin of His people. So the fact that He died means, that’s exactly what He did! But the glorious announcement continues…

He was laid in a tomb after suffering the righteous judgment and punishment of God so that His people wouldn’t have to, but He is not still in that tomb! He is risen! That means: the sin is gone, the punishment is over, and God is satisfied! God the Father is satisfied with Christ, and He is satisfied with us IN CHRIST! Every bit of that happened, exactly as the Lord Jesus Christ said it would happen. Which means, the all knowing God is the very One who saved us. And to all who’s sins were put away in His death, burial, and resurrection, He says: “Come! Come see the place where I laid for you. Come unto Me and you will find rest for your weary soul.”

When the burden and guilt of our sin begins to bring us down into utter despair, let’s remember the word that He sent to us through His messenger: “He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”

-Gospel report by preacher Gabe Stalnaker

Kingsport Sovereign Grace church of Kingsport, Tennessee USA
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