Against the Notion of Moral Ability – It Is of FREE GRACE!

The Scriptures and the experience of every true Christian declare against the notion that a natural man has the moral capacity of believing in or turning to Christ. Man’s only refuge is in the free grace of God. The idea of creature ability will soon be destroyed in the heart of him who hath had any spiritual dealings with Jesus Christ as to His merits and righteousness. 

Christ is every way too magnificent a Person for poor nature to apprehend. Christ is so infinitely holy, human nature durst not look at Him; so infinitely good that nature can never believe Him when it has a full sight of sin and guilt. Christ is too high and glorious for nature so much as to touch. There must be a DIVINE NATURE first put into the soul to make a man lay hold on Him who lies so infinitely beyond his natural sight. 

That Christ which a natural man can apprehend is but a “christ” of his own making, not Christ Jesus the Son of the Living God, to Whom none can come without the Father’s drawing (JOHN 6:44-45, 65).”

Gracious truth gleaned from an old English Baptist magazine


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