Truth Welcomes Close Inspection

Augustus Toplady was bold in his opposition of the false doctrine held by John Wesley. Wesley preached a salvation conditioned upon the sinner’s cooperation with God. He embraced free-willism and staunchly opposed the gospel of sovereign grace. In one of his letters to Wesley, Toplady chided him: "Canvass the points of doctrine wherein we differ, as strictly as you can. They will stand the test. They scorn disguise. Truth, like our first parents in the state of innocence, can show herself naked without being either afraid or ashamed: and he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God."

My friends, the truth of God will stand inspection; it will bear up under scrutiny. In fact, truth, when closely examined, sparkles more brilliantly to the glory of God’s grace. Consider the intricate details of the gospel of the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ and you will find all of the divine attributes to be active and each is glorified. This is the only message that renders all the honor for the salvation of sinners to God and gives sweet consolation to needy, helpless sinners. I unashamedly proclaim to you that blessed truth: "the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD" (PSALM 37:39).

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

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