The Believer in Great Distress

"And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD; for His mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man." -II Samuel 24:14 [KJV]
Whenever we as believers fall, like king David, into times of great distress and grief, we know our only hope is to "fall now into the hand of the LORD," and "not fall into the hand of man." God may use men to help us, but we know our help and deliverance is ultimately all of His power and grace, not men. For the most part, man can and will only make the situation worse. But God's "mercies are great," and they never fail. We can see this especially in our eternal salvation.
When it comes to being forgiven of our sins and justified before a holy God, we are definitely "in a great strait." In ourselves, we have nowhere to go and no way out of this great dilemma - How can a sinner be justified before God? If we fall into the hands of men, including our own, we will be worse off than before. Man can reform his ways, become religious, and clean up the outside, but he can neither put away his sin nor establish a righteousness accepted by God.
To "fall into the hand of man" for salvation, forgiveness, righteousness, eternal life, and glory is to fail miserably. O let us "fall now into the hand of the LORD." Salvation is of the LORD in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a matter of God's grace and mercy based on the blood and righteousness of Christ by Whom all our sins are put away by the sacrifice of Himself, and in Whom we find the only righteousness whereby God can justify the ungodly. There is mercy from God for sinners in Christ, and in Christ "His mercies are great."

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA


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