Seek the LORD - Call upon His Name

My God! How cheerful is the sound!
How pleasant to repeat!
Well may that heart with pleasure bound,
Where God hath fix'd His seat.

What want shall not our God supply
From His abundant stores?
What streams of mercy from on high
An arm almighty pours!

From Christ the ever-living spring,
These ample blessings flow:
Prepare, my lips, His name to sing,
Whose heart has loved us so.

Now to our Father and our God
Be endless glory giv'n,
Through all the realms of man's abode,
And through the highest heaven.

-Tune "O for a Thousand Tongues"


"For He saith to Moses, I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I WILL HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I WILL HAVE COMPASSION. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy." -ROMANS 9:15-16 [KJV]

The doctrine of God's sovereign power and will to save HIS people according to His purpose and choice, apart from anything in or done by them, has been under attack for centuries. Most who claim to be Christian deny this truth without embarrassment or apology. There are two very recent and very popular books written by two men who profess to be "Christian" and who are leaders of many. Both books attack the doctrine of God's sovereign choice to save a people for His glory. Both books assert that God desires to save everyone, but the outcome of who gets saved depends on the response of each person. In other words, God has given up His ability to save anyone, unless that persons decides to respond!

Thus both authors would have to explain God's assertions in the Bible that HE WILL save HIS people as being based on His foreknowledge of what sinners will one day do by their own free will, not as God's declaration of what He will do by His mighty power. The Bible does not reveal a god who says, "I can foresee that someday some sinners who are less obstinate and less rebellious than other sinners will turn to me, and I'm sure glad, because I really wanted to save them. But the final result is up to their free will. What a relief that some will finally get it right and choose me!"

This is not the way salvation is set forth in God's Holy Word. The Bible shows us that it is GOD'S WILL, not man's, that is the cause and power of salvation. It is God's will to save His people, all whom He has given to Christ, by His grace through the shed blood and imputed righteousness of Christ. Now the Bible also teaches that we are responsible for the choices we make. It teaches that all who refuse to believe shall be damned, and all who believe shall be saved. The source and cause of faith is God Himself (Matt. 13:15-16 ; John 6:65 ; Eph. 2:8-9 ; Php. 1:29). All who seek salvation by His grace through faith in Christ have this faith (John 6:44-45). What are we to do with this truth? SEEK THE LORD; CALL UPON HIS NAME! All who do shall be saved (ROMANS 10:13).

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA

Audio Gospel Sermons and Contact Information here:


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