Much has been done to try and portray God as simply a God of love without wrath. Modern religion frowns upon any talk of God hating sin, punishing the wicked or showing His wrath upon any. However, the God of the Bible has been and continues unchangeably to be “willing to shew His wrath” (ROMANS 9:22). As a matter of fact, His “love” would be nothing special at all if it were not for His wrath. While every effort to erase any idea of a God of wrath from the minds of men has been made, the truth remains that the infinitely holy and just God has written this truth indelibly in the consciences of men.

What is fear of death but fear of meeting the wrath of God? What is all the efforts of religious works but an attempt to appease Him? The idols of men for centuries have had scowls and frowns carved and cast on their faces revealing what men really know to be true in their hearts. Paul assures the believer who is declared righteous through the blood of Christ that he shall never have to face the wrath of God! It is as if he says that God has nothing but a smile upon His face toward all who are in His beloved Son! Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him(ROMANS 5:9).

The sure knowledge of this blessed fact by faith is the source of real peace. “We shall be saved from wrath through Him.” As the prophet said, men are simply crying “Peace, peace, when there is no peace” when they deny that God is a God of wrath against sin, against His enemies and against all that defy His rule. Christ “made peace by the blood of His cross.” Peace is the fruit of reconciliation. God was in Christ reconciling us unto Himself through Christ bearing in His own body the wrath that was due us on account of our sin! As Paul says in Romans 5:1 that being justified by faith in Christ’s blood (the evidence of the life which He laid down under the weight of God’s wrath in my place), we have peace with God!

Peace therefore is the portion of every believer, their sin having been judged in their Substitute. God being wholly satisfied and propitiated by Christ’s sacrifice, He will remain eternally that way. We can sing with the hymn writer: “If Thou hast my discharge procured, And freely in my place endured, The whole of wrath Divine: Payment God will not twice demand, First at my bleeding Surety’s hand, And then again at mine!” It is the sure and blessed confidence of all God’s people, WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WRATH THROUGH HIM”!

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard

Audio Gospel Sermon, “O LORD Revive Thy Work” here,


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