God's Grace Opens the Door of Salvation to Sinners

Salvation by God’s grace opens wide the door of salvation for SINNERS. Salvation by grace excludes anyone who has anything they think will make God happy with them. But if you can’t find any reason in you for God to save you, then salvation by grace is for you. God’s grace is the only way any sinner has any hope of salvation. Since I am unworthy of God’s love, I trust God’s electing grace. Since I am dead in sin and incapable of doing anything spiritual, I don’t trust my “decision to accept” Jesus. I trust God’s gracious decision to accept me in Christ.

Since I have nothing to pay God for my sin, I trust Christ crucified as all of my redemption. Since I have no goodness in myself, I trust Christ who is my righteousness. Since I cannot and will not come to Christ, I trust God the Holy Spirit to graciously draw me to Christ. Since I cannot keep myself, I trust that God’s grace will keep me to the end. My friend, don’t waste your time trying to find something in you that would give God a reason to save you. You are wasting your time because there is nothing in us that impresses God. Simply look to Christ and trust Him who saves undeserving sinners by His grace.”

-Gospel report by preacher Frank Tate


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