Give Thanks Unto THE LORD!

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” -PHILIPPIANS 4:4 [KJV]

I’m afraid that much of what passes for rejoicing in so-called churches today is not rejoicing “in the Lord” at all. There is rejoicing in entertainment, emotionalism, social events, self-righteous attainments, the boastings of religious reformations and experience, but there is not much true rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our ALL and IN ALL, as our only hope and ground of salvation, as the LORD our Righteousness. To truly “rejoice in the Lord” is to rejoice in His salvation, the salvation He worked out, provides and gives by His grace based on His finished work on the cross (I SAMUEL 2:1; PSALM 9:2; 13:5; 20:1). It is to rejoice in His mercy in not giving us what we have earned due to our sins (PSALM 31:7); for His mercy is only found IN CHRIST, the one true Mercy-seat.

It is to rejoice in His name (PSALM 89:12), which is His glory found in the Person and finished work of Christ to save us from our sins (COLOSSIANS 1:19; 2:9-10). It is to rejoice in HIS works (PSALM 104:31), not our own; for His work is that work of righteousness by Whom and by which we are justified by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (ROMANS 3:21-25). This is truly rejoicing in the Lord. As long as we, by the grace of God, rest in Christ for our whole salvation, we are truly rejoicing in Him as the Lord of Glory. Christ is the joy of His people, and they find no other eternal joy in anything or anyone else. This is true joy and peace that comes in believing the Gospel wherein Christ is revealed in the glory of His Person and the power of His finished work (ROMANS 15:13).

Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA
Audio Gospel Sermons here:



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