Sweet Love between Christ and His Bride

We will be glad and rejoice in Thee”
-Song of Solomon 1:4 [KJV]

Sweet are the tunes of love in this most unusual book. First, it expresses the love of Solomon and his wife. Secondly, it typifies the love between Christ and His church. Consider, as the church speaks to her Beloved.

WE” – Here are the chosen, redeemed and called-out ones. We have “tasted that the Lord is gracious” (I Peter 2:3). We continue to make our “calling and election sure” (II Peter 1:10). We rest in the truth that He is not willing “that any should perish, but that all [of us] should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).

WILL” – Jesus spoke to His lost generation saying, “ye will not come to Me” (John 5:40). When the day of His power came to us, we couldn’t resist coming to Him (Psalm 110:3). We have our lamentations, troubles and woes, but still we will come. The coming is continuous, as Peter said, “to Whom coming” (I Peter 2:4).We are resolved to come!

BE GLAD AND REJOICE” – This is a parallel; it’s two words, but it has one truth. It’s blessing upon blessing. The Lord Jesus is honey and sugar, cinnamon and spice. He’s grace and mercy. He redeemed and justified (Romans 3:24). He justified and reconciled (Romans 5:9-10). Grumble and drown in sorrows? No, we’ll be “glad” and “rejoice”.

IN THEE” – Here is the Pearl of the verse. He’s the “bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:16). He’s the loveliest of the lovely. He’s the subject of the Old Testament and the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD’S of the New Testament. He’s the Savior of His people. He's THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jeremiah 23:6). We confess: "In Thee" we rest!

-Gospel report by preacher David Simpson

Providence church of Powell, Tennessee USA


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