Not Ashamed: Part II

by D.G. Miles McKee

Last time we concluded that, as Christians, we are not ashamed of the Lord Jesus. We are not ashamed of His Virgin Birth, His Miracles, His claims or His silence. Let´s take this a bit further.

We are not ashamed of His scream!

Yes, you read that right, we are not ashamed of His scream! From the cross He screamed the agonising words,
“My God, My God why hast Thou forsaken Me?” These were not the words of a man who has suddenly discovered that he was all wrong. These were the anguished words of the One who was dying for us.

At the cross, He hung there as our
Substitute. He was executed as our Representative and reckoned guilty before God. It was as though He tasted the depth of our God forsakenness. Our sins separated Him from His Father. He tasted the God-desertedness that His people´s sins would have caused them at Judgment day. What He said (His scream) and what he didn´t say (His silence) were both on our account.

As Believers, we are not Ashamed of His Death

Isaiah 53:5,
“He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities.” Every aspect of His death was vicarious (substitutionary). He was doing it for us. The sinful shame that we would have felt before God, He felt as He hung there naked on the cross.

“Bearing shame and scoffing rude
Condemned and in my place He stood.
Sealed my acquittal with His blood,
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!”

I´m not ashamed of Him, His Birth, His miracles, His claims, His silence, His scream, His death, His resurrection, His ascension or His intercession. What about you? Are you ashamed of anything about Him?

I am not ashamed of His Gospel.

Romans 1:16,
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” But what is the Gospel? There are many who claim to be sent to preach the Gospel, but they don´t know what it is. Their message is a subjective, man-centred message of self-help. But the true Gospel is the perfect work of God in Christ. It´s an event which took place outside of us in history. It is a completed finished work accomplished by the One Who is the Gospel incarnate. Indeed, the Gospel is Jesus Himself (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

The Gospel is not about Christ coming into our heart, it is about Christ coming into this world to save His people. In Psalm 89:14-15, we are introduced to the ´joyful sound.´ But what is the joyful sound? It is that, Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, was buried, rose on the third day and was seen of many witnesses
(I Corinthians 15:1-4).

What is the joyful sound? It is that because of the Gospel, our Judge became our Justifier (Romans 3:26). What is the joyful sound? It is that because of the Gospel there is full acquittal for us through the blood of Christ (Romans 5:9). What is the joyful sound? It is that because of the Gospel the accuser of the brethren is cast down (see Revelation 12:10-11). What is the joyful sound? It is that the accuser has been routed because of the blood of the Lamb (see Revelation 12:10-11). What is the joyful sound? It is that through the Gospel, those trusting in the merits of Christ and His blood have a verdict in their favour.


Yes, all charges against us are dropped. Case dismissed, (see Romans 8:33-34). I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. We don´t rest on the Plan of Salvation as much as we trust, rest and cling to the Man of Salvation.

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

NOTE: We are preaching the Gospel in many parts of the world. Currently, we are involved with ministry in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Bulgaria and Kenya. Please pray about becoming involved prayerfully and financially with us as we continue to teach and proclaim the Finished Work of our Saviour. Gospel Blessings, Miles & Gillian


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