Incline our hearts unto Thee, O LORD


People in this generation are so ignorant of what the scriptures teach that it is hard to know exactly where to begin with them. Whatever you try to teach them from the scriptures about God is so foreign to them. They have been so long self-deceived and even more greatly deceived by false religion that the gospel of the cross is not only offensive to them but shocking to them. They are in such a rush toward eternal destruction that they have no time to listen or to think.

Preachers feed them a diet of worn religious clichés and formulas on how to be saved and they go on their way deluded and delighted in it. I am looking for some folks that the Spirit of God will bring to “stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.” Some sinners that He has given the “hearing ear and the seeing eye” of faith. Some true disciples or learners that sit at the feet of Christ’s word and listen. I cannot shout above the loud voice of false prophets. I cannot give an interest in Christ to any. I cannot change the hearts, attitudes and minds of blind sinners.

I can only do what God has called me to do, “preach the gospel” knowing that “he that is of God,” chosen of God, redeemed of God and born of God will “hear God’s word.” I preach and many come and go without even giving a hearing or prolonged thought to the gospel of a crucified Christ. Yet I preach knowing as Christ said, “My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me.” I preach knowing that the gospel of Christ is a “sweet savor unto God.” If God is not who He says He is, then people do not need a savior. Salvation is a non-issue. But He is who He said He is! So we must begin with God Himself. We must declare to all that which is central to His being: God is HOLY! He cannot accept anything less that what He is, sinless perfection.

He is also JUST! He must and will punish sin. He will by no means clear the guilty and guilty is what we are as sinners. So the question of this hour and every hour is, “How can God be just and yet justify sinners?” The gospel reveals the only way, for “therein is the righteousness of God revealed.” Are we interested? Do you wish to know? Sit down and listen then and be where Christ is preached as the only Way, the only Savior and the only righteousness. We declare God’s righteousness, that He is just and the justifier of all who believe on Jesus Christ whose blood and righteousness alone God has set forth as the propitiation of our sins. God, who was just and punished the sins of His people when He laid them on His Son, is also now just to declare righteous all for whom He died, all who receive this righteousness through faith.

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard

Sovereign Grace Baptist church of Jacksonville, North Carolina USA


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