In The World but Not Of The World

There is nothing to this world for a believer. How true this is in one sense for we "are not of this world." The Christ that we love said, "The world hates you because it hates Me." If we were of the world, if our value system was the same as its, if our purposes and goals were the same and if our views of God, man, Christ and the way God saves sinners were the same, the world would love us! Since our only rule of what we believe and what we are to do is the Holy Scriptures, we are therein described as pilgrims and sojourners, just passing through this world.

A wilderness it is but God, as He did for Israel, feeds us with manna from on high and spreads a table for us in this wilderness. It is THE GOSPEL FEAST that blesses us on this journey. It is the gospel wherein the righteousness of God is revealed to the faith He gives. Like the manna, we are awakened in the morning of spiritual new birth to find the gift of righteousness already there in Christ. It is new every day and He is the Bread of God. We feast upon the fact that our salvation in its entirety is not dependent on what we do or upon anything that goes on in this world. Our salvation is in One who is not in this world but seated at the right hand of the majesty on high. Yet from that high throne our Savior rules this world!

We have been brought by God's unchanging grace to a state of unchangeable justification in Him. We will not be condemned with this world BUT HAVE BEEN SAVED FROM THE WRATH TO COME. Now, any cross we might be called upon to bear has no curse in it for He bore the curse because of our sin in His own body on the tree. We have all spiritual blessings in Christ. He communes with us by His Spirit and His presence with us is the witness that we are His people. His providence is working all things in this world for our good and His glory no matter how things appear.

Furthermore, He gives us fellowship in the midst of His people, those who like us are pilgrims also. Among them we find comfort, encouragement, and hope. No, there's nothing to this world; but oh what God has given His elect, regenerated and believing people! His kingdom is not of this world but He has established His kingdom in the hearts of sinners saved by His blood. A kingdom in hearts of justified sinners which is "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" through the Lord Jesus Christ. And one other thing: He gives us the promise and glorious prospect of the world to come!

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard

Gospel Sermon, “Will You Escape The Judgment of God?”


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