Christ Alone!

Christ! Christ! Oh Christ alone, be all my plea!

May You have mercy on one such as me.

All that I’ve ever been, Twas nothing else but sin

Praise to the Sinner’s Friend, Christ, Christ alone!

Christ! Christ! Oh Christ alone, chosen in You

Long before time and worlds came into view.

In everlasting love, destined a child above

All in the Son of love, Christ, Christ alone!

Christ! Christ! Oh Christ alone, God Man in One.

There on the cross for sins, victory won.

In Him forever blessed, in Him made righteousness,

In Him for Heaven dressed, Christ, Christ alone!

Christ! Christ! Oh Christ alone, His blood did pay!

Grace reigns in righteousness, sins put away!

Justice now says to me,
“Sinner, you must go free.”

“To praise eternally, Christ, Christ alone!”

-Tune: Fade, Fade Each Earthly Joy” 64.64.6664
Words by Gary Shepard



When the Holy Spirit shows us the necessity, the beauty and the sufficiency of the death of Christ, we repent of our own foolish works of self-righteousness, we forsake every other way of seeking to please God, we look to Christ and His substitutionary death as the only ground of our acceptance with God and our conscience rests in the quiet assurance that Christ has satisfied God on our behalf and saved us in a way that glorifies God in all His holy character. Thus the “blood” purges our consciences of every false hope, of natural self-righteousness, and all fear and doubt!
-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard


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