To Jesus Christ We Sing

To Christ the RISEN LORD we sing.
In Him alone we boast.
All other hopes we now deny;
And trust the Lord of hosts.

Praise Him by Whom all things were made,
To glorify His name.
Exalt Him Who now reigns o’er all.
Forever more the same.

But we as sinners saved from sin,
We praise Him most for grace:
Who came in human flesh to die
And suffer in our place.

We praise Him for the blood He shed,
Redemption's costly price.
We praise Him for His righteousness
That for us shall suffice.

We praise Him for His keeping love,
That binds our hearts to Him.
We praise Christ Jesus, Lord of all,
Our Savior great and Friend.

Words by Gary Shepard
o the tune, “O For A Thousand Tongues”


What is the first goal of true evangelism? It is to glorify God! In order to do that we must be true to His word. God is as He is and every attempt to make Him appear differently than He is in that Word in order to accomplish some other goal is not true evangelism. Many say more of Him than is said in scripture and many more say less of Him that it says. He is the Lord and changes not! We lift Him up in the preaching of the gospel as He says He is and for what He's done and He draws all His own unto Himself!”

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Jacksonville, North Carolina USA

Note: for Christ-honoring & greatly encouraging audio Gospel messages along with contact information go to:


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