To God Alone Be The Glory

The Masterpiece of God’s Works

The gracious salvation of sinners by the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest of all the works of Jehovah. Certainly everything in creation owes its existence to the power and brilliance of God and divine providence is simply the Lord in irresistible might directing all things to the end He determined before He made the world. In the salvation of sinners, however, all the attributes of God are more prominently displayed, magnified and satisfied than in all of creation and providence combined.

The divine rescue of sinners through the blood and righteousness of the appointed Savior is the masterpiece of all the works of our glorious Lord. Behold His everlasting love, His unbridled sovereignty, His manifold wisdom, His impeccable holiness, His boundless grace, His infinite power, His inflexible justice and His unfathomable mercy all shining brightly in this enterprise of saving ungodly wretches from the filthiness of sin and making them blameless in His sight.

Who but the God of all grace could bring about this stupendous work of choosing sinners unto salvation, redeeming them from the curse of the law by the blood of His Son, making them righteous through the Savior’s obedience, bringing them to trust the blessed Redeemer and taking them home unto Himself where they will abide with Him forever in unending fellowship? Who but the God of all power could raise sinners from the dunghill of sin to the very heights of heavenly glory?

What but the heart and mind of God, filled with everlasting love for His chosen people, could ever devise the means to restore the banished ones to Himself without compromising His law and justice which demanded the penalty of sin be executed upon all transgressors? Who but the God of infinite wisdom could design a salvation whereby all the sins of His beloved people would be imputed to an innocent Victim and justly punished while the objects of His love are credited with the righteousness established by the obedience of their worthy Substitute?

Who but the magnificent Son of God would come into this world of woe and, in the stead of His guilty people, suffer, bleed and die in order to appease offended law and justice? And Who but the God of incomparable mercy would send His Spirit to quicken spiritually dead sinners and impart to them life and light so that they willingly come to, believe on and heartily trust the exalted Savior and rest in Him for salvation, pardon of sin, righteousness and everlasting life? “He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto God belong the issues from death” (Psalm 68:20).

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd


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