Sound His Praise from Pole to Pole

Jesus, once for sinners slain, From the dead was raised again;
And in heav'n is now set down, With His Father on His throne,
With His Father on His throne.

There He reigns a King supreme; We shall also reign with Him;
Feeble souls, be not dismayed; Trust in His almighty aid,
Trust in His almighty aid.

He has made an end of sin; And His blood hath washed us clean;
Fear not! He is ever near; Now, ev'n now, He's with us here,
Now, ev'n now, He's with us here.

Saints on earth, with saints above, Celebrate His dying love;
And let every ransomed soul,
Sound His praise from pole to pole,
Sound His praise from pole to pole.

-Gospel report by preacher Joseph Hart
-Tune: “Take My Life and Let It Be” – by H.A.C. Malan


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