Almighty God's Providential Reign

The LORD shall reign

for ever and ever.”

-Exodus 15:18 [KJV]

This world is not a kingdom without a throne, a throne without a sovereign, or a sovereign without a scepter; by no blind accident are the affairs of this planet governed. God is in the history of the world its past, its present, and its yet unshapen future.

The statesman and the politician may not recognize this fact; but it is so, God rules the kingdom of providence.
His hand is moving and controlling all events and circumstances, national and social, public and private; giving birth, and shape and tint to those phenomena in the history of nations, and to those affairs in the history of individuals, which to human perception are often enshrouded in mystery so dreadful and profound.

Let this view of God's providential reign hush all murmurings at our lot, making us content with such things as we have, assured that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Let it bow our soul in meek submission to His sovereign will, in view of those painful and inexplicable events which sometimes cast the darkest shade upon our sunniest landscape, and dash from our lips their sweetest cup of joy.

Let it incite our gratitude for the blessings loaned us so long, though now removed; and for the blessings which still remain to soothe, and gladden, and cheer us onward. Let it strengthen our faith in the Divine assurance that our daily bread shall be given us, our path shielded amid encircling evil, and our soul, guided by His counsel and kept by His power, eventually and safely conducted home to glory.

Yes, Lord, the kingdom of providence is Yours, and I would see Your hand, and trace Your wisdom, and taste Your goodness in all the shaping and tinting of my whole history. I would deal alone with You in all the lights and shadows of my daily life. Those lights and shadows are of Your penciling, O Lord. If joy thrills my heart, it is of Your inspiration. If sorrow breaks it, it is of Your sending. Teach me that I have, in all things, to do only with You.”

-Gospel report by preacher Octavius Winslow (1808 – 1878 A.D.)


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