The LORD JESUS alone be magnified!
what THE LAW COULD NOT DO, in that it was weak through the flesh, God
sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin,
condemned sin in the flesh.”
Romans 8:3, we read of God’s sending forth his Son in the likeness
of sinful flesh. There are other sinful beings, as I believe; namely,
the devils; but as the design of the Son of God was not to represent
them, “He took not on Him the nature of angels” and
sinful flesh is not to be found, except as it exists in personal
union with a human soul. Christ therefore, to be in the likeness of
sinful flesh, must have flesh in union with a human soul. But more
clearly, if possible, to the point, we read in Hebrews 2:17, that “in
all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren.”
being thus made fully under the law, and being at the same time one
with His people in that life of which He is the Head, and they are
the members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones, He could
fully represent them under the law; and being their Elder Brother He
could claim the right to redeem according to law; and being at the
same time God and having all the fullness of the Godhead dwelling
bodily in Him, He by His obedience could and did completely cancel
the demands of the Law upon His people; and becoming the end of the
law for righteousness unto them, He removed every barrier, which the
law could present, out of the way of their being brought
experimentally to a oneness with Him, and to participate with Him in
the privilege of being sons of God and in the glory, which He had
with the Father before the world began.
report by preacher Samuel Trott (1784-1866 A.D.)