The Lord God omnipotent reigneth

It has been suggested by many that if we preach salvation as a sovereign gift of God, it will cause men to sit still and fold their arms. It will not! But if men did so, we could not help their case by giving them error. Our calling is not to prove to you the reasonableness of any truth. God's Word is true whether men believe it or not! Our business is not to defend any truth from its consequences. As preachers of the Lord, we are to assert the truth because it is God's Word; then if our hearers do not like it, they must settle the quarrel with their Master. We are messengers; Christ is our message! The Lord has to reveal and apply the message. He must make the unwilling willing, to make the ungodly godly, and bring the rebel to the feet of Christ or else salvation will not be accomplished.

-Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan


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