The Day Star Arise in Your Hearts

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” -Isaiah 2:22 [KJV]

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS” -The Master, Christ JESUS “The LORD our righteousness” as per Matthew 6:33a

I had a professor in Bible college who likened salvation to a door. He said that salvation was all of grace, the work of God, but it hinges or turns upon the will of man. Contrast his heretical thoughts with the words of Augustus Toplady, author of Rock of Ages.

God’s everlasting love, His decree of election, and the eternal covenant of redemption are the three hinges on which the door of man’s salvation turns. When man fell from God, infinite justice put a lock upon the door: a lock which nothing but the golden key of Christ’s blood and righteousness can open. The Holy Ghost (if I may venture to use so familiar a comparison) is, as it were, the omniscient Keeper of the door, and He lets no souls in but such as He Himself has washed and justified and sanctified in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by His Own efficacious grace.”

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd of Thirteenth Street Baptist Church - Ashland, Kentucky USA

Note: encouraging audio Gospel messages and contact information here:


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