That We May Know Him

"And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." -I John 5:20 [KJV]

Beware of the intellectual preacher who is always splitting hairs and pronouncing woe upon all who are not as smart as them. God gives His people an understanding that they may know a Person. Read the text again. Not that they might know some complicated man-deduced system of doctrine.

You do not need to be smart to know God. Thank God for that. Even the little children were encouraged by Him to come and trust Him. The thief didn't have much time to take a stance on this theological issue or the other. His soul hung upon knowing the identity of the One Who hung on Calvary's middle cross. The blind man in John 9 could not answer the questions posed him by the religion of the day, but he trusted the Son of God and bowed to Him, believing. Look at the messages preached by the men of the New Testament Church. Where is the striving over words that is done in many pulpits today? They simply declared the identity and authority of a Person.

Knowledge puffeth men up, but love, a relationship with the Person of God's Son, will build His people up (1 Cor 8:1). A person whose assurance is based upon how much they know, is building their house on the sand. May I simply be able to confess with the Apostle Paul, "I know WHOM I have believed." May all of our learning be as our Lord exhorted, "...take My yoke upon you and learn of Me." I don't need to know more about the end times. I need to know Him Who is the end and the beginning. I don't need to know more about issues, but I want to know Him to Whom belongs the issues from death (Psalm 68:20).

-Gospel report by preacher Chris Cunningham


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