How can a just God forgive sin?

How can the Lord God be merciful and gracious, forgiving iniquity and sin, yet by no means clear the guilty? He can only forgive sin by punishing the guilty to the full satisfaction of His holy justice in a perfect Substitute! God will punish your sin, either by your everlasting torment in Hell, or by His Son's substitutionary sacrifice in your place on the cursed tree. The Lord Jesus Christ satisfied God's wrath against the sins of His people.

All men outside of Christ must suffer forever in Hell, because finite men can never satisfy an Infinite God. What a sobering thought! God is absolutely holy. We are absolutely sinful and obnoxious to Him. We must have a Mediator between the Holy Lord God and sinners like us. He must plead our cause, and be heard and accepted upon the grounds of justice satisfied. Thank God, there is ONE who pleads the merits of His shed blood, who takes sinners and washes them clean, as white as snow!

-Gospel report by preacher Eric Richards


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