Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (30NOV-02DEC18)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in "SO GREAT SALVATION" by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -God's unmerited favor- from their sins and from Hell:


Occasionally I hear from someone, who wants to know what relationship believers have to the law, my reply is always the same. Believers are not under the law in any way, shape, form, or fashion. God's people are free from the law's curse, because "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us" (Galatians 3: 13).

The law was not given to give life, or sanctification, but to reveal how sinful we really are. Can that which pronounces death give life? Can that which demands perfection give a man the ability to perform perfectly? "Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?" (Galatians 4: 21) Do you not hear it say, "...by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God", or "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse" have you not heard it say, "Moreover the law entered that the offence might abound"?

Thank God that Christ came to fulfill the law, render to it absolute perfect, full and final obedience, and in doing so satisfied Gods infinite justice on behalf of those who were under its curse having borne its curse for them. It demanded perfection, He gave it and it demanded death if you didn't keep it. He died for those whom He represented, NOW, "FOR CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH" (Romans 10: 4).

"Free from the law, oh happy condition!
Jesus hath bled and there is remission;
Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall,
Christ hath redeemed us once for all" 


-Gospel report by preacher Donnie Bell


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