The Efficacy of the Blood of JESUS

Once while listening to a “televangelist” on TV, I heard him say as he was supposedly praying for his listeners, “I release unto you the efficacy of the blood of Jesus.” I thought, what blasphemy! Then, the thought occurred to me, that’s what most preachers today are telling people to do! This is the very essence of modern 'freewill' works religion. It is the basis of the decisionism that false religion promotes today.

Neither man’s work nor man’s will shall be allowed to determine the success of God’s purpose or the efficacy of Christ’s blood. The truth is, the efficacy of the blood of Jesus is what releases us! If it hasn’t, then we are yet in bondage and shall remain so for all eternity. Faith does not release the efficacy of the blood of Jesus, it realizes it, receives it and relies upon it as the single ground of our salvation. Christ made peace by the blood of His cross. His blood obtained eternal redemption for us. He purchased the church with His own blood. The blood of Jesus blots out our sin on the books of God‘s law and justice and cleanses our conscience. The efficacy of the blood of Jesus is such that it satisfies the just and holy God on the behalf of all that Christ died for.

It is not as many have said, “sufficient for all but efficient only for believers.” That would mean that the efficacy of His blood would have to be released by the sinner! His blood is the propitiation for our sin and faith in His blood is produced in His elect by His Spirit as a result of that propitiation. It was His blood shed for us that released us, justified us and now sprinkles our consciences. His blood, which is simply His life laid down and the death He died as our Substitute on the cross. Effectual it was and it released all for whom it was shed!

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard


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