Am I Hearing The Truth?

When a person is looking for a church to attend and worship God, that person should never assume that he or she is hearing the truth. Our Lord said in Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets"! They are everywhere, telling every lie known to man! So how can I know whether I'm hearing the truth or a lie? We all must ask ourselves two questions: Am I hearing God's word? and, Who is getting the glory in salvation? Is salvation up to me or did Christ finish it alone?

THE TRUTH is: Christ did it all (Hebrews 1:3)! Christ has already finished it all (John 19:30)! And Christ gets all the glory for salvation (1 Corinthians 1:31)! If a man is not preaching THAT, he's not preaching the word of God. And if he's not preaching the word of God, he's a false prophet! It's not: 'This is what we believe…' and, 'That is what we believe…' 

THE TRUTH is not dependent on what any of us believe! The only thing that matters is: What has God Almighty said in His word? THE TRUTH is not an opinion about the word… THE TRUTH is THE WORD ITSELF!  

"...let God be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4)!

-Gospel report by preacher Gabe Stalnaker


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