A Word in Season to Suffering Saints

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -II Timothy 3:16-17 [KJV]

The Scriptures are sufficient . . .
  to inform the ignorant,
  to confute the erroneous,
  to reform the wicked, and
  to guide and direct, support and comfort--the godly.

Here a lamb may wade--and here an elephant may swim!

Here is milk for babes--and meat for strong men!

Here is . . .
  comfort for the afflicted, and
  support for the tempted, and
  ease for the troubled, and
  light for the clouded, and
  enlargement for the straitened, etc.

  how full of light,
  how full of life,
  how full of love,
  how full of sweetness,
  how full of goodness,
  how full of righteousness,
  how full of holiness, etc.,
is every chapter, and every verse in every
chapter, yes, and every line in every verse!

No human writings are comparable to Scripture:
  1. for antiquity;
  2. for rarity;
  3. for variety;
  4. for brevity;
  5. for plainness;
  6. for harmony;
  7. for verity.

All which should greatly encourage Christians, to a serious perusal of them.

"O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day." -Psalm 119:97 [KJV]

-excerpt from “A Word in Season to Suffering Saints,” by preacher Thomas Brooks, London England, circa 1645 A.D.

Link to the full 162-page book:  https://www.scribd.com/document/23318679/Brooks-A-Word-in-Season-to-Suffering-Saints-b


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