A Letter to a Friend

The following is an excerpt from a letter written by John Newton to an unnamed friend, written sometime in 1769 AD:

"I received a letter from you which mentions dear Mrs. ****’s case, a very trying one; but in this likewise we see the Lord’s faithfulness. Our own experience and all that we have observed of His dealings with others, may convince us that we need not be afraid to intrust ourselves and our dearest concerns in His hands; for He can and will make everything work for good.

How little does the world know of that communion which is carried on between heaven and earth; what petitions are daily presented, and what answers are received at the Throne of Grace! O the blessed privilege of prayer! O the wonderful love, care, attention and power of our great Shepherd! His eye is always upon us; when our spirits are almost overwhelmed within us, He knoweth our path. His ear is always open to us; let who will overlook and disappoint us, He will not. When means and hope fail, when everything looks dark upon us, when we seem shut up on every side, when we are brought to the lowest ebb, still our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. To Him all things are possible; and before the exertion of His power, when He is pleased to arise and work, all hindrances give way and vanish, like a mist before the sun.

And He can so manifest Himself to the soul and cause His goodness to pass before it that the house of affliction shall be the golden hour of the greatest consolation. He is the fountain of life, strength, grace and comfort, and of His fulness His children receive according to their occasions...we have therefore cause for continual praise. The Lord has given us to know His name as a Resting-place and a Hiding-place, a Sun and a Shield. Circumstances and creatures may change; but He will be an unchangeable Friend. The way is rough, but He trod it before us, and is now with us in every step we take; and every step brings us nearer to our heavenly home.

Our inheritance is surely reserved for us, and we shall be kept for it by His power through faith. Our present strength is small, and without a fresh supply would be quickly exhausted; but He has engaged to renew it from day to day; and He will soon appear to wipe all tears from our eyes; and then we shall appear with Him in glory."

-as reported by Gospel preacher Jim Byrd in a weekly bulletin


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