True Worship

God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him

must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”

-John 4:24 [KJV]

True worship is the response of the regenerate heart to the glory of God in our salvation by His grace through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is to delight in the truths that identify and distinguish the greatness of Christ’s Person as God-Man and the power of His accomplished redemptive work to put away our sins forever and ever. It is to be lifted up as He is exalted in our prayers, our hymns, and in the preaching of the Gospel and the whole word of God.

When preachers stand before congregations and boast in men, men are worshiped. When preachers stand up and boast of and in Christ, God is worshiped. When preachers spend their time preaching man’s righteousness, pride will always be the result. When preachers spend their time preaching Christ and the righteousness of God in Him, humility will follow in the hearts of God’s people. Let us all resolve to glory in nothing save Christ and Him crucified!

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker


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