Judgment and Motivation


One of the most comforting truths revealed in God’s Word is the truth of judgment when it applies to true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The fact is that for believers, sinners saved by the grace of God in Christ, the Judgment Day is not future – IT IS PAST.

Indeed, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was judged and punished by Almighty God for ALL OF OUR SINS and for all of our transgressions – sins past, sins present, sins future. Because Jesus Christ bore the judgment of God in our room and stead, we who trust in Him for all salvation will not face God’s wrath on the final day.

Therefore, when we appear before God’s throne on the day of judgment, we will not hear words of condemnation. Rather, because of Christ’s saving work on our behalf, because of His redeeming blood and His righteousness imputed to us, we will hear words of blessing:

Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into that kingdom which has been prepared for you from before the creation of the world.” -Matthew 25:21 [KJV]

Many object to this as they believe it will lead to a life of sin. They believe the threat of judgment must be held over people in order to motivate them in obedience. This is not the case with God’s people in Christ. For God’s people, the grace of God that reveals salvation freely given to us in Christ also powerfully motivates in the obedience of faith in following Christ. Confidence in Christ at the judgment and assurance of salvation through His blood and righteousness alone is a great inspiration for obedience to the true children of God.

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker


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