To the LORD Alone be The Glory in Salvation!

Particular Redemption, or No Gospel at All 

ELECTION and PARTICULAR REDEMPTION are the heart of the Gospel of grace. Without these truths as your foundation, any doctrine of the cross of Christ and salvation by Him will fall flat on its face. We had rather deny the Gospel — deny the cross work of our Lord, and deny the necessity of salvation — THAN TO DENY THE ONLY METHOD AND MEANS WHEREBY THE SALVATION OF A POOR LOST SINNER CAN BE EFFECTED.
The God who loves everybody, who calls all men to salvation, who gave His Son to redeem (or make possible a redemption for) all men — is not the God of the Bible. Modern religionists have “another gospel” (Galatians 1), “another Jesus” (2 Corinthians 11:4). We will not bow to their “god,” but desire to present the GOD OF THE BIBLE, the Sovereign God Who works all things after the counsel of His own will” (Ephesians 1:11).
The choice is clear: Either we have a gospel of works and self-salvation, which is no “GOSPEL” at all, or we have a Gospel of pure grace which is the Gospel of Christ’s PARTICULAR REDEMPTION OF GOD’S ELECT.

-Gospel report by preacher Wylie W. Fulton, Editorial in Truth for Today, July of 1990 A.D.


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