"The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous,

and His ears are open unto their cry.

The face of the LORD is against them that do evil,

to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth."

-Psalm 34:15-16 [KJV]


Since all men by nature have stony hearts, all the threatenings in the world will do no good. The stony heart of natural man must be pierced by the POWER OF GOD in order to be tender! One with a tender heart desires to know the will of God, has a readiness for spiritual things, has a disposition to obey revealed truth and has a desire to make the things of God his chief business. preacher Scott Richardson


Rolfe Barnard made an interesting observation many years ago. "Sixteen hundred years ago the church was adopted by Rome. Millions of pagans flooded its membership; and they brought with them their pagan culture, tradition and faith. It took that ‘successful church’ a thousand years to recover from that brilliant success. Something like that has happened in our day. In this century, the church and religion have been adopted by society, politicians, entertainers and popular persons. All of a sudden ‘Jesus’ and ‘the gospel’ have become quite popular. Millions have joined up to swell the membership to an all-time high. Results: a church that bears no resemblance to the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Religion’ has become man’s chief defense against the true gospel! If there is one place that a man does not dare to preach the gospel of God’s sovereign grace, it is in the average church." excerpt from Thirteenth Street Baptist Church bulletin


By the grace of God I believe the gospel of God’s sovereign grace, and I have been a believer for many years, but I still remain, in myself, a helpless sinner and in my flesh dwells no good thing. And yet, I am not filled with despair for I have a blessed Redeemer Who ever lives for me in glory. In Him I have no sin, my conscience has no sting of guilt and I have no fear of condemnation. Without a doubt, I remain a sinner as touching this present life, but "THE LORD MY RIGHTEOUSNESS" is Jesus Christ, and He is my Prophet, High Priest and King. -preacher Jim Byrd


Sinners are unable to save themselves so if anyone is to be delivered from the curse of the law, from sin and from Satan, God must do it. You will concur with that, will you not? Since it is clear from Scripture and from experience that some are indeed saved, then God must have saved them. You are still in agreement with me, aren’t you? And, it being true that sinners are unable to save themselves and yet some are indeed saved and God must have saved them, then is it not evident that the Lord made a distinction between those who are saved and those who are not? That distinction is called divine election. "For God saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy" (Romans 9:15). -copied


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