The End Is Greater Than The Means

THE ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, but the glory of God (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14).   Man's comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God's glorious gospel.  The supreme goal of our gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His Beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil. 2:6-11).  Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God's purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes Christ the principal figure in our gospel, our goals, and our glory.  If you have salvation and God's purpose waiting upon the free-will of the creature, then man is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine truth in order to win man's approval.  The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than results. "Let God be true and every man a liar!"

-Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan


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