King JESUS Saves

"Our gospel came not to you in

word only, but also in power and

in the Holy Ghost, and in much ASSURANCE"

-I Thessalonians 1:5 [KJV]

Sin, salvation, death, judgment, eternity, though matters of the highest moment and utmost importance to us, yet we naturally think of them with little concern, speak of them with great indifference, and treat the consideration of them as Felix did Paul, "Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season I will send for thee" (Acts 24:25). And yet perhaps such have long sat under a preached gospel; hugely cry up and applaud the preacher, and are ready to condemn others who do not see and admire the excellency of the man.

But, alas! what are the most excellent words of man without the power of the Spirit? Light as air, ineffectual to soul-saving purposes, as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. The grand question is, Have I inwardly known and felt the power of the gospel? Our gospel came UNTO you not in word only, but in power. It has an internal voice: it speaks glad tidings, good news of life and salvation to the very soul: it is the word of power to quicken dead souls to life: it is a revelation to the heart of pardon and peace by Jesus.

Thus it brings the clearest evidence, the fullest assurance along with it, that it is God's word of life and salvation. The Holy Ghost bears witness to it, in power and demonstration. Blessed souls! who are divinely assured of the truths of gospel-grace and love by Jesus; who embrace the gospel as their only hope, and flee and cleave to Jesus as their only refuge. But more blessed, yea most happy those believing souls who are upon the delectable mountains, and enjoy much assurance of their own personal interest in Jesus, and eternal life through Him; and by the Holy Ghost are enabled to say, 'I know that Jesus loved me and died for me.'

O, this privilege is most highly to be prized. It is worth pressing after. This only can deliver the soul from all doubts and fears, inflame it with the most ardent love, inspire it with the most holy boldness, influence it to the most cheerful obedience, resign it to afflictive allotments, wing it with holy longings after Jesus and eternal glory; and make it joyfully triumphant over the grim tyrant death; with “Thanks be to God, which giveth us THE VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57).

My Saviour God, my sov'reign Prince,

Reigns far above the skies;

But brings His graces down to sense,

And helps my faith to rise.

His word is truth, His pow'r is great,

From hence my comforts spring:

Assurance by the Holy Ghost

A heav'n on earth doth bring.

-excerpt from A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God (Vol. I), Wm Mason


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