Come to the LORD Jesus!

God of grace and God of glory,
Grant that we would worship Thee;
Thou hast gathered us together,
Now reveal Thy majesty.
Send to us Thy sovereign Spirit,
Speaking through Thy Word in might;
Showing us the blessed Savior,
Making Him our one Delight.

Prophet, Priest and reigning Monarch,
Friend of sinners, what a Name;
Word of God made flesh for sinners,
Came to bear our awful shame.
See the perfect, blameless Savior,
Bearing guilt, sins not His own;
Sacrifice of God most precious,
For His sheep He died alone.

By the blood of the Redeemer,
All our sins were washed away;
He arose and death was conquered,
For His sheep who went astray.
Saints of God bow down and worship
Him who purged our sinfulness;
Let us joyfully adore Him,
Jesus Christ our righteousness.

-Gospel hymn,Love Divine”



Our Lord often spoke of coming to Him. "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink" (John 7:37).
"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37).
"No man can come to Me except the Father which hath sent Me draw him" (John 6:40).
Are you guilty? Come to Him for a full and unconditional pardon. Are you impure? Come to Him whose blood cleanses the foulest. Do you see the worthlessness of your self-righteous rags? Come to Him for perfect righteousness and beauty. Are you ignorant? Come to Him to be taught for He is the Wisdom of God. Are you cut off from God? Come to Him for restoration.
O that you would be brought by the Spirit of grace to understand there is no life, no righteousness, no salvation, no forgiveness and no acceptance for any sinner outside of the dear Savior. Coming to Him is a movement of the soul, not the body; it is believing on Him. Come to Christ, but don't move a muscle (as in walking the aisle).

-preacher Jim Byrd


        “To come to Christ for life, is for the sinner to feel and acknowledge that he is utterly destitute of any claim upon God's favor; is to see himself as "without strength," lost and undone; is to admit that he is deserving of nothing but eternal death, thus taking side with God against himself; it is for him to cast himself into the dust before God, and humbly sue for Divine mercy.

To come to Christ for life, is for the sinner to abandon his own righteousness and be ready to be made the righteousness of God in Christ; it is to disown his own wisdom and be guided by His; it is to repudiate his own will and be ruled by His; it is to unreservedly receive the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, as his All in all.”

-Gospel report by preacher Arthur W. Pink
Author of the book, “The Sovereignty of God” written in 1918 A.D.
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